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The Cuyabeno Wildlife Production Reserve is a site of magnificent biodiversity, home to the largest population of wildlife, both flora and fauna. It is characterized by vast expanses of tropical forests that form a complex network of rain formations.

This complex features 14 lagoons, forming the largest wetland in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and serving as the habitat for dolphins, caimans, anacondas, otters, and manatees. Additionally, this region is home to a unique tree called Guarango de Agua, which can be found along riverbanks and lagoons due to its special adaptations.

The reserve is considered one of the areas with the greatest cultural diversity in the Ecuadorian Amazon, with indigenous communities such as the Shuar, Kichwa, Cofán, Secoya, and Sionas.

Within the enchanting jungle of Cuyabeno, the art of shamanism can be found. Healers are respected and admired for their immense wisdom, as thousands of years of knowledge are preserved and transmitted from generation to generation.

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Tours in Cuyabeno

Dolphin Lodge ECUADOR
From 3 days $240

Dolphin Lodge

Caiman Ecolodge ECUADOR
From 3 days $240

Caiman Ecolodge

Jamu Ecolodge ECUADOR
From 3 days $287

Jamu Ecolodge

Piranha Lodge ECUADOR
From 3 days $240

Piranha Lodge