
Go Ecuador Travel

Located in the south of the country, Azuay is a province that boasts marvelous sites you must visit in your lifetime. Its territory encompasses a range of ecosystems, including moorland, forests, and subtropical valleys. Its inhabitants are known for their love of traditions and culture, as well as their skilled craftsmanship.

With a historic center declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Azuay is also known as the "Athens of Ecuador" due to its impressive architecture, cultural richness, and contributions to the arts, literature, and sciences of Ecuador.

One must not miss the opportunity to explore the majestic Cajas National Park, which features 232 lakes spread across its vast valleys. These pristine waters supply drinking water to the city of Cuenca and are home to a diverse array of flora and fauna.

Undoubtedly, words alone cannot fully describe the unique beauty of Azuay province. Here, you can immerse yourself in the gastronomy, nature, and culture of its people through various local initiatives and experiences.

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Tours in Azuay

3 days 2 nights $199
