Jamu Ecolodge

Jamu Ecolodge ECUADOR

Discover the gem of the Amazon with our thrilling 5-day, 4-night tour to the magnificent Cuyabeno! Immerse yourself in a magical rainforest, canoe through its channels, explore trails surrounded by wildlife, spot the incredible and mythical pink dolphins, and relax in comfortable eco-lodges. An unimaginable destination awaits you.

Join us and experience a unique adventure in the Amazon rainforest!

Tour Included

  • Accommodation in selected room.
  • Full board (The tour starts and ends with lunch/box lunch at the Cuyabeno Reserve bridge).
  • Excursions and activities according to the pre-established itinerary, related to the number of nights (in Spanish).
  • Rain poncho, life vests, and rubber boots.
  • River transportation:
  • Bridge-Jamu Lodge-Bridge.
  • Transfer In:
  • 12:00 noon at the regular passenger group schedule.
  • Transfer Out 9:30 am.
  • Any additional or individual transfer outside the established schedules will have an extra cost.
  • Restrictions apply.

Tour not included

  • Transportation Quito – El Puente - Quito (bus or plane)
  • $ 5. community / $ 5 Shaman (if the tourists request it the community comes to the lodge)
  • Meals before and after the tour
  • Tips
  • All other expenses not specified in the tour.

Tour Itinerary

Itinerary "A" - 3 days

Day 1 

  • Our tour starts at 11:30 am the entrance of Cuyabeno River where we will enjoy a delicious box lunch.
  • Subsequently, our naturalist guide will provide information about the Reserve and important recommendations to begin navigating two hours in the Cuyabeno river towards Jamu Lodge.
  • During the canoe ride you will get a ­rst glimpse of the rainforest and different kind of birds such as caciques, orioles and the prehistoric bird Hoatzin; also we can see a variety of monkeys and other animals typical of the forest in terms of time and weather conditions.
  • We will arrive at Jamu Lodge around 2:30 pm, and at that time the staff will be in charge of welcoming and showing the rooms to our passengers so you can relax.
  • After resting a little and recovering energy, we will leave the lodge for a moment and go to the Laguna Grande, where we can witness a beautiful sunset.
  • After this wonderful experience we will return to the Lodge to enjoy dinner, so we would end our ­rst day in the jungle, relaxing in a hammock or having a drink at the bar.  


 Day 2 

  • We start the day with a rich breakfast and then a walk for approximately 3 to 4 hours through the primary forest, the guide will explain about a tropical forest, and medicinal plants ; in addition, during this activity we can observe large trees such as ceibo or small insects such as ants.
  • After this adventure we will return to the lodge to enjoy lunch. We'll have a moment to rest and, in the afternoon, we will go to see the beautiful butter‑ies and swim in the lagoon, if we are lucky we will have the opportunity to see the beautiful pink dolphins and we’ll enjoy the amazing fall sun.
  • We return to the lodge for dinner and then we will do a night activity focused on the search for alligators on the banks of the river.


Day 3

  • On the third and last day of the 3d / 2n tour , early in the morning before breakfast, we will have a bird watching excursion that is optional and will depend a lot on the weather conditions; Upon returning to the lodge we will have a delicious breakfast and then the transfer back to Cuyabeno Reserve Bridge where the tour ends with us.


Itinerary "B" - 4 days

Day 1


  • Our tour starts at 11:30 am the entrance of Cuyabeno River where we will enjoy a delicious box lunch.
  • Subsequently, our naturalist guide will provide information about the Reserve and important recommendations to begin navigating two hours in the Cuyabeno river towards Jamu Lodge.
  • During the canoe ride you will get a ­rst glimpse of the rainforest and different kind of birds such as caciques, orioles and the prehistoric bird Hoatzin; also we can see a variety of monkeys and other animals typical of the forest in terms of time and weather conditions.
  • We will arrive at Jamu Lodge around 2:30 pm, and at that time the staff will be in charge of welcoming and showing the rooms to our passengers so you can relax.
  • After resting a little and recovering energy, we will leave the lodge for a moment and go to the Laguna Grande, where we can witness a beautiful sunset.
  • After this wonderful experience we will return to the Lodge to enjoy dinner, so we would end our ­rst day in the jungle, relaxing in a hammock or having a drink at the bar.


 Day 2 

  • We start the day with a rich breakfast and then a walk for approximately 3 to 4 hours through the primary forest, the guide will explain about a tropical forest, and medicinal plants ; in addition, during this activity we can observe large trees such as ceibo or small insects such as ants.
  • After this adventure we will return to the lodge to enjoy lunch. We'll have a moment to rest and, in the afternoon, we will go to see the beautiful butter‑ies and swim in the lagoon, if we are lucky we will have the opportunity to see the beautiful pink dolphins and we’ll enjoy the amazing fall sun.
  • We return to the lodge for dinner and then we will do a night activity focused on the search for alligators on the banks of the river.


Day 3 

  • After breakfast, we leave in a canoe downstream in a journey of approximately one hour to visit a family of the Tarapuy community where we will be involved in the preparation of a traditional cassava bread known in the area as Casabe. In addition, during the process we can learn to use the materials and utensils of the jungle to make bread, in this activity we will occupy the whole day, returning to the Lodge at approximately two in the afternoon.
  • After enjoying lunch we can relax and rest; to end the day we will have a short walk through the primary forest focused on observing nocturnal insects, such as spiders, gekos or scorpions, and listening to the sounds of the night.


Day 4

  • If the program you chose is 4d / 3n , on this fourth and last day of the tour, early in the morning before breakfast, we will have a bird watching excursion that is optional and will depend a lot on weather conditions; upon returning to the lodge we will have a rich breakfast and then the transfer back to Cuyabeno Reserve Bridge where the tour ends with us. 


Itinerary "C" - 5 days

Day 1 

  • Our tour starts at 11:30 am the entrance of Cuyabeno River where we will enjoy a delicious box lunch.
  • Subsequently, our naturalist guide will provide information about the Reserve and important recommendations to begin navigating two hours in the Cuyabeno river towards Jamu Lodge.
  • During the canoe ride you will get a ­rst glimpse of the rainforest and different kind of birds such as caciques, orioles and the prehistoric bird Hoatzin; also we can see a variety of monkeys and other animals typical of the forest in terms of time and weather conditions.
  • We will arrive at Jamu Lodge around 2:30 pm, and at that time the staff will be in charge of welcoming and showing the rooms to our passengers so you can relax.
  • After resting a little and recovering energy, we will leave the lodge for a moment and go to the Laguna Grande, where we can witness a beautiful sunset.
  • After this wonderful experience we will return to the Lodge to enjoy dinner, so we would end our ­rst day in the jungle, relaxing in a hammock or having a drink at the bar.

 Day 2 

  • We start the day with a rich breakfast and then a walk for approximately 3 to 4 hours through the primary forest, the guide will explain about a tropical forest, and medicinal plants ; in addition, during this activity we can observe large trees such as ceibo or small insects such as ants.
  • After this adventure we will return to the lodge to enjoy lunch. We'll have a moment to rest and, in the afternoon, we will go to see the beautiful butter‑ies and swim in the lagoon, if we are lucky we will have the opportunity to see the beautiful pink dolphins and we’ll enjoy the amazing fall sun.
  • We return to the lodge for dinner and then we will do a night activity focused on the search for alligators on the banks of the river.

Day 3 

  • After breakfast, we leave in a canoe downstream in a journey of approximately one hour to visit a family of the Tarapuy community where we will be involved in the preparation of a traditional cassava bread known in the area as Casabe. In addition, during the process we can learn to use the materials and utensils of the jungle to make bread, in this activity we will occupy the whole day, returning to the Lodge at approximately two in the afternoon.
  • After enjoying lunch we can relax and rest; to end the day we will have a short walk through the primary forest focused on observing nocturnal insects, such as spiders, gekos or scorpions, and listening to the sounds of the night.

Day 4 

  • On this day we will make a visit to the surroundings for bird watching for what we will transport in a native canoe, called "quilla"; we will also have another walk in the forest to continue mar- veling at the beauty of nature in this place.
  • For these activities we will have to paddle, thus having a better opportunity to observe more of the fauna and ‑ora, we can see a great variety of different birds and monkeys; In addition, we will get a better idea of what a ‑ooded forest looks like.
  • Because this activity lasts approximately 4-5 hours, we will take a box lunch with us to feed ourselves while we are living this experience.

Day 5

  • On this last day of the tour, early in the morning before breakfast, we will have a bird watching excursion that is optional and will depend a lot on the weather conditions; upon returning to the Lodge we will have a rich breakfast and then the transfer back to Cuyabeno Reserve Bridge.

