Eden Amazon Lodge

Eden Amazon Lodge ECUADOR

Discover the magic of Ecuador with Go Ecuador Travel! We offer personalized tours to explore its rich culture, impressive biodiversity, and dreamlike landscapes.
Eden Amazon Lodge, located in the heart of Yasuni National Park, offers a unique experience of eco-tourism and adventure in the Amazon rainforest.
During your stay at the lodge, you'll have the opportunity to explore the biodiversity of the area through hikes, canoe trips, and animal observation. You'll also get to meet the indigenous communities that inhabit the region, learn about their culture and traditions, and participate in activities such as fishing and handicrafts.
Accommodation at the lodge is comfortable and sustainable, with rooms built from local materials and a wide range of services and amenities. Enjoy delicious local cuisine and relax in the peaceful and natural environment of Yasuni National Park.
Don't miss the opportunity to experience an unforgettable adventure at Eden Amazon Lodge and discover the magic of the Amazon rainforest.

Tour Included

  • All meals starting with the 1st lunch until the last breakfast
  • Bilingual naturalist guide
  • Kichwa native guide
  • Transport from Coca to the lodge and return to Coca
  • Transfer from the Coca airport to the Napo River
  • Use of all trails, entrance fees and
  • Use of dugout canoes

Tour not included

  • Services not specified in the tour

Tour Itinerary

Itinerary "A" - 4 days

Day 1

  • Guest(s) will be picked up from the Coca airport or their Coca Hotel and transported to the Rio Napo (about a 10-minute drive). Optional ways of arrival to Coca from Quito would be private car or bus.
  • Guests will be transported by Eden's private motorized canoe… Box lunch will be served onboard during the journey. After about 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours (depending on the river level) we will arrive at the entrance to Eden, guests will walk with their bilingual guide through the forest for about 30 minutes to the Rio Yuturi, where they will board paddle canoes to Eden Amazon Lodge.
  • After getting settled in their cabins, and a short break, the bilingual guide will walk for approximately one hour with guests on the Parahuaco Trail (Saki Monkey Trail).
  • Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM, followed by a briefing on the following days activities.

 Day 2

  • Early morning wakeup call at 6:30AM, followed by breakfast at 7:00AM. The bilingual guide and Kichwa guide will lead a 2.5 hour walk on the Wangana Trail where guests will be boarded on paddle canoes to return to the lodge for lunch (1:00PM). The trail and river afford excellent opportunities to spot monkeys, birds and other wildlife.
  • After lunch guests will be invited to a paddle around the Yuturi Cocha (Lake Yuturi) to enjoy the wildlife and later the sunset from the lake.
  • Dinner will be served at 7:00PM. Followed by an orientation of the next day’s activities. Interested guests may also partake in a guided night walk… where Night Monkeys are sometimes seen along with many other creatures, such as spiders, frogs, insects.

Day 3

  • Early morning wakeup call at 6:00AM, followed by breakfast at 6:30AM. Guests will be led by their bilingual guide for a 7-hour hike on the Otorongo Trail and return by paddle canoe. Lunch will be served in the forest.

Day 4

  • Early morning wakeup and departure to Coca. Breakfast will be served on the boat. Guests will be helped with their transfers to the airport or bus station.

Itinerary "B" - 5 days

Day 1

  • Guest(s) will be picked up from the Coca airport or their Coca Hotel and transported to the Rio Napo (about a 10-minute drive). Optional ways of arrival to Coca from Quito would be private car or bus.
  • Guests will be transported by Eden's private motorized canoe… Box lunch will be served onboard during the journey. After about 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours (depending on the river level) we will arrive at the entrance to Eden, guests will walk with their bilingual guide through the forest for about 30 minutes to the Rio Yuturi, where they will board paddle canoes to Eden Amazon Lodge.
  • After getting settled in their cabins, and a short break, the bilingual guide will walk for approximately one hour with guests on the Parahuaco Trail (Saki Monkey Trail).
  • Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM, followed by a briefing on the following days activities.

 Day 2

  • Early morning wakeup call at 6:30AM, followed by breakfast at 7:00AM. The bilingual guide and Kichwa guide will lead a 2.5 hour walk on the Wangana Trail where guests will be boarded on paddle canoes to return to the lodge for lunch (1:00PM). The trail and river afford excellent opportunities to spot monkeys, birds and other wildlife.
  • After lunch guests will be invited to a paddle around the Yuturi Cocha (Lake Yuturi) to enjoy the wildlife and later the sunset from the lake.
  • Dinner will be served at 7:00PM. Followed by an orientation of the next day’s activities. Interested guests may also partake in a guided night walk… where Night Monkeys are sometimes seen along with many other creatures, such as spiders, frogs, insects.

Day 3

  • Early morning wakeup call at 6:00AM, followed by breakfast at 6:30AM. Guests will be led by their bilingual guide for a 7-hour hike on the Otorongo Trail and return by paddle canoe. Lunch will be served in the forest.

Day 4

  • Breakfast at 6:30AM followed by a paddle around Lake Yuturi and then a 30 minute walk to the Rio Napo. From
  • the Napo a small boat will be taking to the Eden community, where guests can buy handicrafts and meet the owners of Eden Amazon Lodge.
  • Afterwards, on the way back to Eden Amazon Lodge, guests are welcome to swim in the Rio Napo from a small river island. Lunch will be served on the river beach, and a pick up match of soccer will be organized.
  • Dinner is at 7:00AM.

Day 5

  • Early morning wakeup and departure to Coca.
  • Breakfast will be served on the boat. Guests will be helped with their transfers to the airport or bus station.

Itinerary "C" - 8 days

Day 1

  • Guest(s) will be picked up from the Coca airport or their Coca Hotel and transported to the Rio Napo (about a 10-minute drive). Optional ways of arrival to Coca from Quito would be private car or bus.
  • Guests will be transported by Eden's private motorized canoe… Box lunch will be served onboard during the journey. After about 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours (depending on the river level) we will arrive at the entrance to Eden, guests will walk with their bilingual guide through the forest for about 30 minutes to the Rio Yuturi, where they will board paddle canoes to Eden Amazon Lodge.
  • After getting settled in their cabins, and a short break, the bilingual guide will walk for approximately one hour with guests on the Parahuaco Trail (Saki Monkey Trail).
  • Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM, followed by a briefing on the following days activities.

 Day 2

  • Early morning wakeup call at 6:30AM, followed by breakfast at 7:00AM. The bilingual guide and Kichwa guide will lead a 2.5 hour walk on the Wangana Trail where guests will be boarded on paddle canoes to return to the lodge for lunch (1:00PM). The trail and river afford excellent opportunities to spot monkeys, birds and other wildlife.
  • After lunch guests will be invited to a paddle around the Yuturi Cocha (Lake Yuturi) to enjoy the wildlife and later the sunset from the lake.
  • Dinner will be served at 7:00PM. Followed by an orientation of the next day’s activities. Interested guests may also partake in a guided night walk… where Night Monkeys are sometimes seen along with many other creatures, such as spiders, frogs, insects.

Day 3

  • Early morning wakeup call at 6:00AM, followed by breakfast at 6:30AM. Guests will be led by their bilingual guide for a 7-hour hike on the Otorongo Trail and return by paddle canoe. Lunch will be served in the forest.

Day 4

  • Breakfast at 6:30AM followed by a paddle around Lake Yuturi and then a 30 minute walk to the Rio Napo. From
  • the Napo a small boat will be taking to the Eden community, where guests can buy handicrafts and meet the owners of Eden Amazon Lodge.
  • Afterwards, on the way back to Eden Amazon Lodge, guests are welcome to swim in the Rio Napo from a small river island. Lunch will be served on the river beach, and a pick up match of soccer will be organized.
  • Dinner is at 7:00AM.

Day 5

  • Early morning wakeup, breakfast and then a short walk to Eden´s birding tower. Guests are welcome to bird from the tower until lunch.
  • After lunch guests are invited to paddle in Lake Yuturi, and up one of the tributaries, looking for Giant River Otters and other wildlife.
  • At night guests are welcome to participate in a night walk and/or caiman observation on Lake Yuture.

Day 6

  • Early morning breakfast followed by an all-day trip to Pañacocha. To arrive to Pañacocha guests will cross Lake Yuturi and then nature walk about an hour to the Rio Napo. From the Rio Napo guests will be transported by fiberglass canoe to Lake Pañacocha to observe wildlife and try to see the elusive Pink River Dolphins. Lunch will be served in the canoe.
  • Guests will return in the afternoon to Eden Amazon Lodge. Dinner will be served at 7:00PM followed by a night walk or lake visit by paddle canoe.

Day 7

  • Early morning breakfast followed by nature walk for a couple of hours… this can vary depending on what wildlife the group has seen up to this point. An option of repeating some trails, or walking on entirely new trails will be given.
  • Lunch will be served at 1:00PM at the lodge.
  • After lunch fishing in Lake Yuturi will be offered, where pirañanas and other types of fish are always a possibility.
  • Dinner will be served at 7PM, and a night walk or lake excursion will be offered.


  • Early morning wakeup and departure to Coca.
  • Breakfast will be served on the boat. Guests will be helped with their transfers to the airport or bus station.
